Somewherenear is the UK's leading Geographic Search Engine, a guide for leisure or business travellers looking for places to visit, food, accommodation and more. Somewherenear is built from C++, PHP and MySQL and promoted through Website Visibility

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Were are often asked questions about Somewherenear, so to this page was written to answer some of them.

How do I get a place listed on Somewherenear?

All you have to do is:
  • Check that you have the phone number, address and correct postcode of the establishment
  • Click the button below to add a place and put in the information
  • Give a correct email address
  • Select the appopriate categories
  • Press the button to do it!
  • Wait for the confirmation email and follow its instructions to finally confirm your entry
If you don't give a working email address then the confirmation email won't reach you - you have to confirm that you are who you say you are or the site doesn't accept your input. That's done to reduce the number of silly or vexatious entries.
If you want to add a place:

Ah, so you will sell my email address to junk mail companies?

No, your email is used only for confirming actions you do on the site. We do reserve the right to send occasional communications to you but these will be very limited and only related to Somewherenear. None has been sent in the last two years, for example.

My favourite place isn't listed - why not?

Because nobody has bothered to add it. See the how-to-get-listed question then do it yourself. Somewherenear is maintained by its users; there is nobody else to do that.

Is Somewherenear really free?

Yes, it's entirely free for you to add places. To help defray costs the site might one day introduce some for-money features but there are none either present or planned at present.

How can you run it for nothing?

It's a hobby. Running websites like this is not a big or expensive operation. The banner ads bring in a trickle of revenue. If you want to help us, click through some and buy something expensive, then we get a small commission.

I like the feature showing the distance from my present location. Unfortunately, I cannot find any way to indicate my present location and I am not where you think I am!

You can enter a postcode or grid reference through the search box on the front page; that sets the systems' view of your location. After that, clicking on any map will set the current location to the point you click on and the subsequent map will be centred on that point.

logo This geographic search engine was built by GBdirect. Please send us your comments, especially if you spot something odd. You can find out a little more about the site from this outline. Rather than using the maps, you can browse if you prefer. We welcome links to our site: you are invited to our link logo (URL: <img src="http://www.somewherenear.com/listnlogo.gif" alt="link" border=0>). Here's a list of sites known to link to us. We also provide a list of Beer and Pub related sites. Our privacy statement assures confidentiality of your email address.