Curry Houses, Balti & Indian Restaurants in Bath in the UK (England, Scotland, Wales)
- Agra, 32 East Street, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 9BN (Food/Indian subcontinent/Curry House)
- Akash, 101 Middle Street, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 1NA (Food/Indian subcontinent/Curry House)
- Jaflong - Bengal & Indian Cuisine, 78 / 79 Lower Bristol Road, Bath, BANES, BA2 3BG (Food/Indian subcontinent/Curry House)
- Jamuna, 9-10 High Street, Bath, BA1 5AQ (Food/Indian subcontinent/Curry House)
- Pria Balti, 4a Argyle Street, Bath, BA2 4BA (Food/Indian subcontinent/Curry House)
- Rajah Tandoori, 5a Queen Street, Wells, Somerset, BA5 2DP (Food/Indian subcontinent/Curry House)
- The Eastern Eye, 8a Quiet Street, Bath, BA1 2JN (Food/Indian subcontinent/Curry House)
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